Timeless Wisdom Gratitude
By BrittAnn
I am thankful for TIMELESS CLASSICS…
The MAGIC of TIMELESS CLASSICS grasps my love of learning. The older I get, the more I feel the invaluable lessons they hold. They teach lessons as blueprints– blueprints that build the framework for themes, settings, characters, and cultures. They captivate for reasons that stand the test of time. Why? Because they hold special keys that give us a yearning to continually access these doors of the past. Specifically, I find three compelling reasons for their ability to transcend into our modern era…
Classics unveil the soul of humanity. They delve into the human experience through a lens of art, music, movies, literature, and history. Through their lens, we gain profound insights into the emotions we endure, the aspirations we chase, and the challenges we confront. These TIMELESS MASTERPIECES capture the essence of what is means to be human. FEEL.
Classics teach lessons from the past. They take us on a captivating journey of bygone eras, allowing us to learn from the triumphs and mistakes of our predecessors. Through their narratives, we find invaluable wisdom and perspective. From the rise and fall of civilization to pivotal moments that shaped our world, we learn as George Santayana (important thinker of the first half of the 20th century) astutely put it, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” LEARN.
Classics inspire creativity and imagination. They have the power to transport us to different worlds, ignite our imagination, and fuel our creativity. Through their ability to challenge our perspectives, we broaden our horizons and encourage our thoughts to go beyond boxes of constraint. Studying these masterpieces adds keys to our life’s keychains, unlocking our own artistic potential and fostering a lifelong love for the arts. INSPIRE.
Timeless classics are structures of permanence. Revealing deep connections to the human experience, learning from the past narrative, and igniting our own creativity allows us to explain and justify the ability of TIMELESS CLASSICS to endure and allure us all. Their “escape-storylines” help us to feel, learn, and inspire. The words of J.R.R. Tolkien come to my mind, "I have claimed that Escape is one of the main functions of fairy-stories, and since I do not disapprove of them, it is plain that I do not accept the tone of scorn or pity with which 'Escape' is now so often used."
Let's escape, explore, and embrace the rich tapestry of TIMELESS CLASSICS, allowing our minds to wander the “plate of wisdom” across the timeless landscapes that have shaped our world.
LEARN WITH BrittAnn- I guide people of all ages and abilities to love learning about TIMELESS CLASSICS through the art of teaching. Fiercely, believing in the rewards of sharing self-education, my lessons build upon the excellence of these masterpieces and excitedly bringing them into our modern world.